
Programs Offered by The Children's Studio in Harrison, NJ

We provide a trusting and respectful environment for the children so they can do what children do best, learn. At The Children's Studio, we encourage the children to be their own source of learning with their natural curiosity. We understand that every child is different and we encourage them to learn at their own pace as well. Children are our passion at The Children's Studio. Call us at 973-485-5437 to enroll your child today!


  • Infant Toddler Program
  • Pre-School Program
  • Before & After School Care Enrichment
  • Summer Camp
We are members of the Harrison Resident Pre-School Program.
Kids — Preschools & Kindergartens in Harrison, NJ
Pre School:
We provide an environment that is warm and welcoming and filled with enriching experiences. Child-related displays including children’s artwork, a variety of natural materials and family photos are all displayed at children’s eye level. Observation, collaboration and documentation are the tools used to enhance and engage an emergent curriculum based on the children’s interest, community outings or family events,
Our strong belief in the hands-on project approach is reinforced as we incorporate math, science. Language, imaginative play and the arts.
As our studies evolve, planning changes and a multitude of transformations are made to the environment.
During project work children are encouraged to interact, plan, critique and problem solve together.
Infant /Toddler program
Our Infant / Toddler program provides an atmosphere that nurtures positive relationships between the children and caregivers. Our caregivers naturally look at the world through your child’s eyes, conveying the idea that he or she is an important and respected person.
The Infant/Toddler room is designed to create meaningful experiences in a familiar setting, Individual schedules for infants are created by a combination of careful observation of your infant’s needs and a home-based routine provided by the parents.
For our toddlers, we provide a balance between active and quiet experiences. The room provides space for floor play and centers that stimulate fine motor, gross motor, and creative play.
Elementary Enrichment Before & After Care:
Our Elementary Enrichment care provides drop off and pick up from all of the Harrison schools.
Our children are offered homework assistance, and parents are offered accommodations during early dismissals and school closings.
Children enrolled in our program will be encouraged to creatively express themselves by participating in our newly developed reading, Lego, pottery, puzzle, cooking and baking clubs.

Summer Camp:

The Studio camp offers children new and diverse experiences to enjoy with friends. Experiences range from weekly outings to swimming, West Hudson Sprinklers and various destinations to theatre enrichment, music, sports and more. We will also present different provocations for investigations designed to spark creativity and curiosity.

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